Street 750 Reviews

  • keith
    9 years ago

    I'm in the States at the moment and was in Landers HD Little Rock AR getting and oil change done today, sales on the are slow according the there staff on the floor, I personally don't think they will set the market in OZ a buzzing ?

  • TheBigFella
    9 years ago
    most young blokes spend equivalent on new dirt bikes these days, I recon if the younger generation are "into Harley's' as much as us older folk they might just do alright.
    Would be an awesome streeter for the missus actually. Low seat height, and average curb weight.
  • Nomada
    9 years ago
    Why would anyone spend that much on a bike, keep it 3 years, risk big dollars if they drop it and get next to no money back when they upgrade.

    Be better off buying a used road trail, learn how to ride, put up with that for the 3 or so years, save your pennies along the way and get the bike they really wanted in the first place.

  • paulybronco
    9 years ago

    Any idea what it will sell in Oz?