V Rod 2017 Mirror Replacement with Led Wiring problem

  • interacts
    5 years ago
    Hi everybody I need some help on wiring Axe mirrors on my 2017 V Rod Muscle.
    Standard wires on V Rod are Left Hand  Black with White stripe wire  and Purple wire ...  Right Hand  Side Brown wire and  Black wire.
    Mirrors have 3 wire red black and yellow .
    Black earth
    Red park lights which i wont use.
    yellow indicators

    I connected as their wiring diagram black to black and yellow to purple but nothing works.
    tested new lights on battery they work.
    I rang 2 Harley shops one told me to reverse wires as they were LED and are sometimes opposite and the other shop said there should be 3 wires  on the Harley I think he was a bit lost.
    Can any body help me on the correct way to wire these in.